Does Your Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Include Active Shooter Preparedness?

Active Shooter Prevention Training in Oklahoma

Does Your Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Include Active Shooter Preparedness?

The General Duty Clause of 1970 was amended in 2011 to include “In a workplace where the risk of violence and severe injury are significant enough to be ‘recognized hazards,’ the General Duty Clause would require employers to take steps to minimize these hazards.”

Recent court rulings, relative to liability lawsuits, have shown active shooter scenarios are now considered a ‘recognized hazard’ to employees. In a 2013 court decision, the court found fault with the employer (Accent Signage) for negligence and failing to train their employees for an active shooter event which killed 5, including the owner. They were forced to settled two lawsuits.

NJ Burgett, LLC understands that companies have a legal and moral responsibility to prepare their employees for any and all forms of workplace violence; in particular, Active Shooter. It is our goal to embed security into your company culture. We work with key individuals within your organization to plan, write, and drill your Emergency Action Plan: One that works with your culture, your facility layout, and within your particular industry. We will also review an existing EAP to ensure compliance for all contingencies of accidental or force of nature.

For more information, please visit or contact Nikki Burgett directly.


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