
The article by Mike Wood I posted a couple of weeks ago Why 'Move, Escape, or Attack' is superior to 'Run, Hide, Fight', generated a lot of interesting chatter. The feedback ran the gamut from “love it” to “same thing” to “hate it”. So many noteworthy opinions on the topic, it became almost impossible to respond to them all. But I would like to address the main points made by so many in our industry and why I found the article particularly interesting. Does the...

Hindsight being 20/20, it is indicative of every Active Shooter event for people to come forward after the fact and report the behavior of the shooter as being suspicious. Virginia Tech - The shooter had gone to the gun range, laid targets out on the ground, and practiced shooting while standing over them. He had walked the halls of the school, counting paces between the classrooms. He measured the distance around the door handles, which during his attack he chained shut. Moore,...

An Article by Mike Wood   Move The worst thing a potential victim can do in an active shooter situation is to freeze in position in a state of confusion or shock. Unfortunately, this is also the most likely response to sudden violence (even if just temporarily), so it’s vital to prepare people for this possibility, and get them thinking in advance about ways to recognize and fix this problem if it occurs. Forewarned is forearmed. By commanding a person to "Move!" as the first...

As an officer of the law, I have to make this decision every time I put on my uniform; the decision to survive.  I know those patches that read POLICE in reflective yellow make me a target of violence.  I understand that the oath I took to uphold the law and to protect & serve others means I will place myself between the threat and the innocent.  And I do so with the mindset that I will also protect my...